안녕하세요 Synology DSM 6.1.5-15254 업데이트가 2018년 01월31일에 배포되었습니다.
DS3617xs Release Notes
Version: 6.1.5-15254
Important Note
- The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
- This update will restart your Synology NAS.
What’s New in DSM 6.1.5
- Added support for editing permissions to multiple groups and users to a single folder or file simultaneously in File Station.
- Added Seagate IronWolf Health Management (IHM) support on DS118, DS218play, DS418j, DS418 and DS218.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where the system may make a false alarm about hot spare disks when upgrading SHA.
- Fixed a domain issue by allowing Synology NAS to join an existing domain with an ASCII password.
- Enhanced system efficiency in calculating a large number of user and group privilege settings.
- Enhanced SSD cache reliability.
- Fixed the issue where setting notifications for low volume capacity is not available on 1-bay models.
- Fixed an issue where converting a single volume to support multiple volumes may be misidentified as a crashed volume.
- Fixed an issue where users may not be able to collapse and expand fieldsets on an SSD cache webpage with Safari 11 browser.
- Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-16939).
- Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-17:72).
해당 업데이트는 지역에 따라서 릴리즈되는 시간이 차이가 있을수 있다고 합니다.
또한 해당 업데이트를 진행을하게되면 NAS가 재부팅을 한다고 합니다.
새로운 업데이트는 파일스테이션에서 권한에 관한 부분 및 일부 신형 기기에서 씨게이트 IronWolf Health Management를 지원한다고 합니다.
xpenology 6.1.4 Update 4에서 6.15로 업데이트를 진행하였으며 업데이트 시간은 약 3분정도 소요 되었고 별다른 문제는 없었습니다.
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