안녕하세요 Synology DSM 6.1.6-15266 업데이트가 2018년 03월27일에 배포되었습니다.
DS3617xs Release Notes
Version: 6.1.6-15266
Important Note
- The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
- This update will restart your Synology NAS.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where iSCSI service may stop under Windows cluster environment.
- Fixed an issue where the history record of Resource Monitor may not be updated.
- Fixed an issue where Korean files may not be read by HFS+.
- Fixed a security vulnerability regarding p7zip (CVE-2017-17969).
- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding NTP (Synology-SA-18:13).
- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-15649, CVE-2017-17712).
- Fixed a security vulnerability regarding isc-dhcp (CVE-2018-5732).
- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-18:08).
- Fixed multiple vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:14).
해당 업데이트는 지역에 따라서 릴리즈되는 시간이 차이가 있을수 있다고 합니다.
또한 해당 업데이트를 진행을하게되면 NAS가 재부팅을 한다고 합니다.
6.1.5에서 네이티브, 가상화 둘다 이상없이 업데이트 되었습니다.
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